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Studying the railways of the Scottish Highlands  

The Sociey

The Chairman is Simon Howard, e-mail chairman@hrsoc.org.uk.

For general enquiries about the Highland Railway or Society, please contact the Secretary John Reid, e-mail secy@hrsoc.org.uk.

The Treasurer is Jack Kernahan, e-mail treasurer@hrsoc.org.uk.

The Membership Secretary, John Fairlie, e-mail memsec@hrsoc.org.uk deals with all membership matters, including change of address. Members should also contact the Membership Secretary about all issues concerning delivery of their copies of the Journal.

The Journal Editor is Keith Fenwick, e-mail journal@hrsoc.org.uk. He also distributes the Journal.

The Archivist is Ian Weeks, e-mail archivist@hrsoc.org.uk with any queries about the history of the Highland Railway.

For modelling queries and orders for modelling components, contact the Trade Liaison Officer Ian Ford, e-mail trade@hrsoc.org.uk.

Publications including books can be ordered through Simon Howard e-mail sales@hrsoc.org.uk

Other Committee Members: Robert James, John Roake, John Wise and Charlie Wrigley.

The Society Drawings Service is run by Alisdair Campbell, e-mail drawings@hrsoc.org.uk. A list of drawings is available. Alisdair also manages the Society's extensive collection of photographs and will assist with any enquiries.