The A5
size Journal is published four times a year, usually in February, May,
July and November.
Each issue usually contains a number of main articles
which can cover a wide range of topics, from the purely historical to
personal recollections. Locomotives, carriages wagons, signalling,
track layouts and train working have all featured. The particular
problems faced by operating a railway in the Highlands, from winter
snow to summer tourists have been described. The strong modelling
interest among members is reflected in some of the contributions,
whether it be the intricacies of building a Jones chimney or a doulbe
deck sheep van or advice on how to complete the latest kit on the
market. Articles for each issue are selected to give a balance between
all these differing interests.
The Journal includes a number of regular features such
as news from the line, details of forthcoming Society activities and
information on all the latest model kits and components. Members
queries often lead to lengthy discussions. And if there is any room
left, interesting snippets from the past provide a little light relief.
The full run of Journals is available digitally in
Acrobat form to members.
The Editor is Keith Fenwick, email: 
An index
is available for issues 1 to 112 in pdf format.